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The 911TI Academy
Here's what it's all about...

You can enjoy all our highly acclaimed 911TI courses plus high-value premium content and support for one incredible annual fee.
5 Great Reasons to become an Academy Subscriber

Our 911TI Academy courses are unparalleled in quality and always delivered by experts in the industry.
(See quick intros to our first two courses here. Our third is on its way!)

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Complimentary access to our subscriber-only webinars digging deeper into special interest topics
The 911TI team includes highly qualified subject matter experts in mental and physial health, frontline dispatching, 911 leadership and much more. Join them for monthly webinars on topics created exclusively for our Academy partners, including:
Reclaiming Decent Sleep for a Better Life
When Home Life Collides with your Work
How to initiate the Toughest, Gotta-do Convos
Other Topics by Request of our Subscribers!

Access to participate in The Resilient 9-1-1 Professional Book Experience
Join co-editors Jim Marshall, Tracy Laorenza, other authors, and your 9-1-1 peers in lively make-it-real discussions and Q&A related to selected chapters in The Resilient 9-1-1 Professional: Surviving & Thriving Together in the 9-1-1 Center. Then enjoy unlimited access to the recordings of these sessions.

Special Roll Call Presentations
Sometimes it takes only a couple minutes of the right teaching to create the mindset you need to make it through your shift or gain the encouragement or wisdom you need to face a current life challenge. That's exactly the support Jim Marshall and his team are dedicated to deliver in these brief roll-call sessions ranging from protecting your own well-being, facing personal challenges, and keeping your edge with difficult callers or co-workers.

The Best Possible Rates for All our Courses
We've set the annual rate to assure our loyal subscribers enjoy significant savings compared to purchase of individual courses. So, as we add new courses making our total bundle bigger, corresponding increases to the total annual subscription rate will always assure you receive the same great percentage discount.

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