Jim Marshall, MA
911 Training Institute
On behalf of co-editor, Tracey Laorenza, and all our authors, we are thrilled to let you know that The Resilient 9-1-1 Professional: A Comprehensive Guide to Surviving & Thriving Together in the 9-1-1 Center is now finished! You can purchase it immediately through Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions by clicking on the "Order" button below.
There has never been a resource like this book to support our Very First Responders. In the book, you'll read fascinating stories and great lessons that will provide you and your colleagues -- 9-1-1 leaders and frontliners -- with the knowledge you need to "survive and thrive together in the 9-1-1 center".
So, thanks in advance for ordering your copy. And please consider urging your PSAP leaders to order copies for each member of the center as a statement of caring and as a small but powerful investment in their lives. I hope you find that you and your people are deeply encouraged reading the book.
Enjoy, and feel free to email us ( with your comments! To learn more about the 911 Training Institute and our courses, please visit our website.